·         Dysponea is called as Svasam in ayurvedic classics.
·         Whenever we see shortness  of breath, we should differentiate whether it is from
·         Cardiac origin,
·         Respiratory origin or


·         Shortness of breath is commonly seen in heart failure.
·         It is seen in pulmonary oedema also.
·         Orthopnoea is a condition where there is shortness of breath when the patient lies down and is relieved by sitting up.
·         Pulmonary oedema is diagnosed by X-ray , echo, and clinical features.
·         Paroxysmal (Sudden), nocturnal (night ) dyspnoea is seen in heart failure.
·         Exertional dyspnoea is very common in coronary artery disease.
·         It is aggravated by physical activities.
·         Restrictive and obstructive lung disorders can produce dyspnoea.
·         Bronchitis, asthma and emphysema can produce dyspnoea
·         Pulmonary fibrosis is one of the commonly seen respiratory lung discorders.
       Other causes
·         In fever, breathing is faster
·         Breath increases after exercise and in high altitude.
·         In anemia there will be dyspnoea.
·         In scoliosis there is dyspnoea
·         Hyper ventilation syndrome, (Psychological causes) are produced by anxiety.
·         It is produced by fear and they tend to believe that they have heart attack.
·         In extreme form of renal causes like uremia there will be dyspnoea.
According to Ayurveda
·         It is one of the disorder where the disease is classified based
·         It is classified on the basis of its awastha.
·         Mahasvasam, china svasam, urdvasvasam denotes various avastas.
·         Mahasvasam, probably is a dyspnoea of higher center origin.
·         China svasam may be an injury  in the respiratory centre producing a bleed, that is why haemorrhage in one eye is mentioned.
·         Tamakasvasam denotes bronchial asthma.
·         Ksudrasvasam denotes hyper ventilation.
·         How we can manage the condition of cardiac asthama is discussed here
·         Except “ acute pulmonary oedema “ many forms of cardiac presentations can be managed by a skillful and trained Vaidya.
     Cardiac Asthma
It has to be visualized like  vatasopham. Sophahara, hrdya, Vatanulomana, Mutrala
Following medicines are very effective
·         Bharangyadikasayam –
·         Arjunaksirapakam –
·         Punarnavadikasayam-
·         Pathyapunarnavadikasayam – With pippalicurnam
·         Mutravirecaniyaganam is highly useful.
·         Paniyam with hrdyamganam of Caraka is useful.
·         Mahadhanvantaravati
·         Pravalapanchamruta
·         Shrungavati
·         Swarnasutshekhar
·         Dasamulahartaki –
·         Dasamularasayanam
·         Bhrammarasayanam
·         Agasthyarasayanam
·         Cyavanaprasam
·         Arjunaristam
·         Abhayaristam
·         dasamularistam–
·         Srngabhasmam
·         Svarnabhasmam
·         Reduce salt
·         Reduce vigorous activities


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