Get the Best Ayurvedic Infertility Treatment at Parijatak
An Insight to the Pain of Infertility
Infertility is a medical condition when a couple fails to give birth to a child despite regular sexual intercourse. This inability in the present era has affected many men and women who are struggling hard and praying from the core just for one child to embrace and nurture.

A male is medically tagged infertile when he is incapable to make a woman pregnant due to low sperm count, reduced sperm mobility, premature ejaculation or deficient semen quality whereas a woman is considered infertile when she fails to conceive or hold childbirth in the uterus due to weak uterus or other infections in the reproductive organs. The worst impact it leaves on both man and woman is the emotional imbalance and social discomfort.
Types of Infertility
There are mainly two types of infertility primary and secondary. Both the types have their distinctive causes, risk factors and a course of medication to deal with.

- Primary Infertility: This is a type when a couple is incapable to produce a child even after repetitive unprotected intercourse for a prolonged period.
- Secondary Infertility: This is a type when a couple fails to experience pregnancy even after successful conceptions in the past.
Know the Causes of Infertility
Various known and even unknown causes of infertility have clutched many married couples with some working hard to fight the cause and some hitting hard on their heads to find the cause.

However, ayurvedic medicines for infertility has proved to resolve many such cases while fighting the causes and even strengthening the reproductive functioning to support conception. The most possible causes are:
- Overindulgence of sexual intercourse
- An emotional imbalance like anxiety, stress, and depression
- Intake of too much spicy and junk food
- Medical conditions like diabetes, cystic fibrosis, uterine fibroids, obesity, thyroid, anemia
- Various reproductive disorders, genetic abnormalities, autoimmune diseases
- Excess of medications
- Consumption of alcohol and cigarette smoking
Ayurvedic Perspective of Infertility
Ayurveda goes far beyond the medical bars of merely conceiving or pregnancy. The science of holistic healing lays emphasis on creating or producing a child who is physically healthy, mentally strong and emotionally balanced.

As per the Ayurvedic perspective, Shukra dhatu is the reproductive tissue of both men and female created due to metabolic transformations taking place within the human body. In a female, the Shukra dhatu or tissue works to create the ovum during the monthly cycle and supports conception whereas in men the dhatu works to produce semen during sexual stimulation. When the Shukra dhatu weakens or reduces, reproductive disorders occur and lead to infertility.
Herbal remedies men & female infertility have two considerations:
- One is the Bringhana categories of food or herbs enhance the functioning of all seven dhatus in the body that eventually enhances the Shukra dhatu. Also to mention that Shukra dhatu is most functional only when all the remaining six dhatus are with their best energies and strength. This category of herbs includes dairy proteins, whole grains, organic fruits, vegetables, soaked nuts, dried fruits, and juicy fruits.
- Another category of the herb is the Vrishya foods that mainly targets to enhance specifically Shukra dhatu or tissue. This category of herbs includes broccoli, asparagus, rice pudding, mango milkshake, cumin, and turmeric.

In addition, Parijatak, the best IVF & Infertility Centre in Nagpur brings you a host of Ayurvedic medicines for infertility. Come to Parijatak for a pain-free treatment to fight the prickling pain of infertility.
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