Fertility Test for Men and Women Nagpur

Overcome the Problem- Get Male Infertility Treatment Ayurvedic Therapy
Nowadays infertility is a big problem. The main reason behind this problem is the sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy food habits, and a stressful life. For about one in five infertile couples, the problem lies solely in the male partner. Lack of good quality Shukra dhatu causes Male Fertility Test Center Nagpur in an individual.
A man’s fertility depends on two factors –
  1. The quantity
  2. The quality of his sperm
Known Causes of Male Infertility
  • Sperm production problems which can be due to chromosomal or genetic causes, undescended testes (failure of the testes to descend at birth), infections, torsion (twisting of the testis in the scrotum). varicocele (varicose veins of the testes), medicines and chemicals, radiation damage.
  • Blockage of sperm transport due to infections, prostate-related problems, the absence of vas deferens, or even vasectomy.
  • Sexual problems (erection and ejaculation problems) which can cause retrograde and premature ejaculation, failure of ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, infrequent intercourse. These may be resulting from spinal cord injury, prostate surgery, any damage to nerves or use of some medicines.
  • Hormonal problems which can be caused by pituitary tumors, congenital lack of LH/FSH (pituitary problem from birth), or even anabolic (androgenic) steroid abuse.
  • Sperm antibodies resulting from vasectomy, injury or infection in the epididymis or any unknown cause.
The Factors
The factors to be taken care of are:
  • The volume of semen.
  • Sperm count — oligospermia, azoospermia, necrospermia.
  • Motility of sperm.
  • Structural defects of sperms — Due to vitiated vata dosha.
  • Any obstruction in the genital tract.
  • Erectile dysfunction.
Ayurvedic Aspect of Male Infertility
  • Ativyavayat — Over Sexual Activity
  • Vyayamat — Overexertion. It includes both physical and mental exertion
  • Avaya at — Over-relaxation, laziness or spending very leisure life.
  • Asatmyanam cha servant –Excess intake of spicy, salted, sour, frozen foods, foods. Routine habits like sleeping very late at night, hectic lifestyle lead to disparity of Rakta and Pitta Dosha, ultimately causing Shukra kshaya
  • Akale — It means at an inappropriate time; i.e. before desirable age specifically before age of 16 in females and 18 in that of males, or beyond the age of 65–70 where the body faces generalized debility. Another aspect explains having intercourse very frequently and many times (5–6 times) in a day also leads to debility of Shukra dhatu.
  • Anau — It includes Masturbation, oral or anal sex etc.
  • Maithunam Na Cha Gachataha — Suppression of sexual urge.
  • Nariman Arasaudnyata — Having intercourse with an undesirable partner
  • Other causes are fear, stress, sorrow, tight clothing, working in a hot environment for a long duration.
  • Smoking and alcohol consumption significantly affect virility in males.
  • Long-term Exposure to radiation
  • Trauma to the genital organs, generalized debility, muscle weakness and stress can result in erectile dysfunction.
Treating Male Infertility
Lifestyle modification and food habits need to be changed. This is the main solution for reducing male infertility.
Treatment includes:
  • Shodhan chikitsa i.e. cleaning ness of the body from toxins and vitiated doshas.
  • Vaman in Kapha dushti, Virechan in Pitta dushti and Basti in case of Vata dushti.
  • Panchakarma therapies like Abhyanga (whole body massage), Shirodhara, Nasya provide good support to physical and mental health.
  • Medicines like Gokshur, Guduchi, Triphala, etc.shows good result in obstructive pathology and infection.
  • Uttar Basti treatment is beneficial in cases of obstructive pathologies, it as well strengthens the muscles of the urinary tract and reproductive system.
  • Rejuvenation therapy uniforms the body externally as well as internally. It enhances body vitality and body strength.
  • Medicines like Chyawanprash, Musali paak, Rasayan vati, Kandarpa paak, Kushmand avleha is use for this purpose.
Aphrodisiac Therapies are of 3 types:
  • Sperm generating or enhancing sperm count.
  • Those which helps in ejaculation of seminal fluid.
  • Medicines which serve both the above purpose.
Herbal Remedies for Male Infertility
Medicines like Shatavari, Nagbala, Bala, Musali, Ashwagandha, Milk, Ghee, Haritaki, Amla, Yastimadhu, Pippali, Shatavari Kalpa plays an essential role in improving count of efficient sperms.
Kapikacchu (Mucuna pruriens), Vidari, Gokshur, Shatavari (Asparagus racemosa), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Bruhati phala, medicinal preparations like Vrushya vati, Shilajatu, Vanari kalpa cures problems related to semen ejaculation. Shatavari (Asparagus racemosa) is considered the most important rejuvenative tonic for women Use Shatavari-kalpa. Kapikacchu (Mucuna pruriens) is a proven medicine for increasing the sperm count in the patients of oligospermia and defective sperm formation.
‘Vrishavati’ is a safe, non-hormonal aphrodisiac formulation. It is useful in male infertility due to Oligospermia and low sperm motility, impotence, loss of libido and other reproductive disorders. The ingredients such as Ashwagandha, Kavachbeej help to improve sexual functions, quality, and quantity of semen.
All the above-mentioned medicines can be used in powder form, or for superior results they should be used in the form of medicated milk or ghee because revitalization of cells is an integral part of the treatment.
Yoga for Fertility
Regular exercise and yoga also provide good health of body and mind
Exercises like padmasan, pool bandha to strengthen and optimize the functionality of the desired organs
Padmasana (Lotus pose asan): It increases blood flow to the perineum. It directs prana to the lower two chakras which are responsible for sexual functions. By just contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor greatly enhances the circulation to the reproductive system.
Maintaining Fertility
  • ‘Bruhana Dravya’- enhances the shukra dhatu by enhancing all the seven dhatus.
  • ‘Vrishya Dravya’ — enhances the reproductive tissue i.e shukra dhatu
  • Bringhana Dravya-
  • Fresh, organic fruits and vegetables
  • Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds
  • Dairy proteins, including milk, cream, ghee, lassi, and panir (a fresh cheese made of milk)
  • Sweet, juicy fruits such as mangoes, peaches, plums, and pears
  • Dried fruits such as dates, figs, and raisins
  • Herbs like Ashoka (Saraca indica), Aamla (Emblica oficinalis), Pippali (Piper longum), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), etc., are age-old proven rejuvenators.
  • The generic preparations like Chyavanprashavaleha, Brahmi Ghrita, and Agatsya Haritaki Avaleha are prescribed for the gain and maintenance of the strength and vigor.
  • Vrishya Dravya- Milk , milk-date shake, milk-mango shake, and rice pudding
  • Spices such as ajwain powder, cumin (which purifies the uterus in women and the genito-urinary tract in men), turmeric (to improve the interaction between hormones and targeted tissues), and black cumin, fenugreek, garlic, onion, and licorice are said to invigorate the reproductive organs.
Caution: Do not take licorice or fenugreek if you suspect you may be pregnant or after becoming pregnant.
Parijatak is one of the best infertility hospitals in Nagpur which aims to cure Erectile Dysfunction Treatments and all other male and female infertility problems. Fertility Tests are conducted prior to medication, which takes up both male fertility test and female fertility test. Following the fertility tests for men and women, the experts help with proper counseling and medication. If you want help on how to cure infertility related problems naturally and permanently, visit Parijatak Ayurveda and talk to the experts here.


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