How to Cure Erectile Dysfunction Naturally and Permanently

Erectile Dysfunction and Ayurveda Treatment
How to Cure Erectile Dysfunction Naturally and Permanently means difficulty with penis becoming hard or staying firm during the intercourse.
Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
The causes may be medical or psychological.
Other causes are-
  • Heart disease and narrowing of blood vessels
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Raised cholesterol levels
  • Obesity and metabolic syndrome
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Treatments for prostate disease
  • Surgical complications
  • Injuries in the pelvic area or spinal cord
  • Radiation therapy to the pelvic region
Psychological causes of fear, anxiety, depression are also responsible for Erectile Dysfunction Treatments Nagpur.
Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction can be known by the symptoms like weak erection or lack of erection.
Ayurvedic Concept
In Ayurveda, we believe that Vata dosha is responsible for causing erectile dysfunction.
In order to recover from this disorder completely, patients should follow the underlying guidelines:
  • Diet: Take simple, chemical-free diet, as many chemicals used for growing and manufacturing food articles can affect nervous functioning and sexual arousal.
  • Prevent indigestion, constipation, and vitiation of Apan Vayu that is responsible for penile erection. So the patient should avoid foods that trigger gas formation like potato, beans, peas, brinjal etc. and prefer fruit vegetables, spices like dry ginger and drinks like lemon water which release gases easily.
  • Avoid excessive use of salt, acids, tobacco, and alcohol.
  • Include pure ghee and dry fruits like almond & cashew, which regularly boost sexual power and prevent erectile dysfunction.
  • Exercise: Certain physical activities and yoga postures also help in reducing erectile dysfunction
  • Yogasan & Suryanamaskar — These postures improve the physical and mental strength of the person. It also increases blood supply to the reproductive system and improves the tone of muscle requires the erection.
Treatment and Management of Erectile Dysfunction
Ayurveda describes the treatment under the special branch called as Vaajikaran. Vaajikarana therapy provides good strength and viability power to the person.
Medicine-like herbs such as Safed musali, Ashwagandha, Kapikacchu, Shatavari, Shilajit, Gokshur are used to prepare effective formulations.
By and large, erectile dysfunction has become a serious problem in today’s busy life. One cannot always and at all times depend upon modern medicines to recover from this problem, especially if they are not effective enough for him after a routine course.
Ayurveda has a solution for any kind of erectile problem if you want to get relief from erectile dysfunction naturally and permanently. Parijatak Ayurveda offers effective medication for this disorder if you have faith in the Ayurvedic form of therapy. Visit Parijatak Ayurveda, a renowned fertility clinic in Nagpur providing herbal remedies for men and female Infertility treatment. Call the experts now.


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