
Es werden Posts vom August, 2018 angezeigt.

Ayurvedic medicine for stress Nagpur

Ayurveda Seamlessly Defines the Art of Managing Stress Naturally and Holistically Stress is an emotional disorder caused due to disturbances in the physiologic equilibrium. Everyone is aware of the terms like ‘life-events’, ‘stressful day’,  ‘stress at work’,  family stress’ and many other similar phrases that in the day-to-day life governs the functioning of human mind and heart. If any disturbances occur in this functioning or if any event causes pressure on the emotional being, it induces stress. Types of Stress Stress is mainly categorized into four different types: Physiological Stress:   Overexertion and excessive  physical activities induces this type of stress. Mental Stress:  Excessive cerebral activities or pressure on the cerebrum of the brain through deep thinking or analyzing induces this type of stress. Emotional Stress:  A depressive feeling due to loss of a loved one, failed relationship, jealousy, anxiety or anger induces ...


Ayurveda-Behandlung für Ohrschmerzen Nagpur Dies ist Krankheit Ohr Knochenabbau.  In dieser gibt es abnormes Wachstum von Knochen in Mittelohr, die zu Gehörverlust führen. Es tritt während der Teenager oder frühen Erwachsenenalter.  In Otosklerose, schallführenden Knochen des Ohres ändert sich von harten, mineralisierten Knochen zu schwammig, unreifen Knochen tissue.Which um das Mittelohr abnorme Wachstum von Knochengewebe verursacht.  Dieses abnorme Wachstum bewirkt, dass die Einschränkung der Bewegungsfreiheit des Steigbügels.  was dazu führt, zu einer Verringerung der Menge an Ton in den Cochlea.  Dieses Wachstum Ursache Fixierung oder Fusion von Steigbügel mit dem Knochen der Cochlea, die oft hochgradiger Schwerhörigkeit verursacht.  Dieser Hörverlust wird als Leitungsschwerhörigkeit bekannt. In Otosklerose mit Anhörung der Nerv verbunden sind, können ebenfalls betroffen sein, Schallempfindungsschwerhörigkeit verursachen.  Sie wird ver...

Best Infertility Hospital in Nagpur

LOW SPERM COUNT AND AYURVEDIC TREATMENT India A low sperm count is also known as oligospermia. Low sperm count means sperm quantity is fewer than 15million per ejaculation. This problem leads to failure of conception.  Low Sperm Count and Ayurvedic Treatment India , Male infertility is much heard of in today’s lifestyle. You may have heard that females are unable to conceive normally when they are weak, but the fact is that male fertility plays a great role in the childbearing problems of the modern times too. Today,  sperm count in men  could keep falling without their knowledge. Fortunately, there are many ways in Ayurveda to increase a Low Sperm Count. But before we get to any of those tips, it is important to understand what causes infertility and sperm count issues. Low sperm count shows that there is less chance of conceiving without medical intervention. You may take longer to conceive a baby. Intercourse has to be perfectly timed according to ovulati...

How to Cure Erectile Dysfunction Naturally and Permanently

Erectile Dysfunction and Ayurveda Treatment How to Cure Erectile Dysfunction Naturally and Permanently  means difficulty with penis becoming hard or staying firm during the intercourse. Causes of Erectile Dysfunction The causes may be medical or psychological. Organic cause the decrease in blood circulation in blood vessels or nerves supply to the penis Hormonal  dysfunction which may be due to low secretion of sex hormones Drugs like cocaine, digoxin, sleeping pills, antidepressant Indulgence to alcohol consumption and smoking. Other causes are- Heart disease and narrowing of blood vessels Diabetes High blood pressure Raised cholesterol levels Obesity and metabolic syndrome Parkinson’s disease Multiple sclerosis Treatments for prostate disease Surgical complications Injuries in the pelvic area or spinal cord Radiation therapy to the pelvic region Psychological causes of fear, anxiety, depression are also responsible for  Erectile Dysf...

Fertility Test for Men and Women Nagpur

Overcome the Problem- Get Male Infertility Treatment Ayurvedic Therapy Nowadays infertility is a big problem. The main reason behind this problem is the sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy food habits, and a stressful life. For about one in five infertile couples, the problem lies solely in the male partner. Lack of good quality Shukra dhatu causes  Male Fertility Test Center Nagpur   in an individual. A man’s fertility depends on two factors – The quantity The quality of his sperm Known Causes of Male Infertility Sperm production problems which can be due to chromosomal or genetic causes, undescended testes (failure of the testes to descend at birth), infections, torsion (twisting of the testis in the scrotum). varicocele (varicose veins of the testes), medicines and chemicals, radiation damage. Blockage of sperm transport due to infections, prostate-related problems, the absence of vas deferens, or even vasectomy. Sexual problems  (erection and ejaculat...